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Simon Baker on Elegance, Longines, and Life after The Mentalist

Simon Baker is a perfect fit to wear the cloak of Longines’ Ambassador of Elegance. The Australian star, wearing a beautiful suit and a Longines timepiece, turned up at the 2014 Breeders Cup’ at Santa Anita Park on Saturday looking nothing but a class act. The 45-year-old The Mentalist star presented Longines’ Prize of Elegance to the man and woman at the Breeders’ Cup who best personified the brand slogan “elegance is an attitude,” and was also on hand to see timepieces presented to the winners of the Longines Breeders’ Cup Turf race, Longines Breeders’ Cup Distaff race and Breeders’ Cup Classic—all on minimal sleep after working until midnight, no less. Somehow we think Baker is always the perfect host: after pouring us a glass of water, we sat down to discuss elegance, comfort and life after The Mentalist. 

Simon Baker at the Longines presented 2014 Breeders’ Cup

What defines luxury to you?


Are you all about bespoke?

I think bespoke is definitely synonymous with comfort—it doesn’t have to be bespoke—but bespoke suggests that it’s made for you, which would imply that it suits you. You’ll feel comfortable with you, which all goes back to comfort.

What makes you feel comfortable?

For me, my family makes me feel comfortable. To have what I need with me for different occasions; I only like [to have] what I need. It all goes back to that thing of comfort. Some people are hard-wired in different ways, and they need more to be comfortable. I’m not a minimalist [though].

What does it mean to be an ambassador of elegance?

There’s a little bit of pressure! The word ‘elegance’ scares me. There is expectation that I’m always going to be elegant. To be an ambassador for Longines is amazing. It’s a wonderful company, very traditional, very elegant, a very well performing company—what they make performs well. I like the consistency of that.

Do you consider yourself to be a bit ‘metrosexual’ given how perfectly presented you look? 

I have to be comfortable with who I am. I don’t dress up like this every day, but I’m comfortable when I put this suit on. That’s one thing that’s very interesting when you’re the ambassador for a company. It works well if you can relate organically to that company, and my relationship with Longines is a fit. I don’t think there’s a pressure on me to be anything other than what I am. I put on a suit, I’m going to bet on some horses and talk to some people. It’s nice; this is the first event that I’ve done for Longines where my wife [actress Rebecca Rigg] has been able to come with me.

I’ve heard some rumors that this might be the final season of the The Mentalist. Is that true? 

I don’t know; we’ll see. I would roll with the punches either way, it is how it is. Creatively I’d definitely like to pursue more things. I’m really not sure [if The Mentalist is being renewed]; they haven’t told me.

 What would you like to do instead if it is?

I’m focusing on a film that I want to direct. It’s a coming of age story; two teenage boys in Australia. It’s adapted from a book called “Breath” by Tim Winton. There’s a lot of stuff, a lot of options [things I could do after], but I kind of feel like I have to go where my heart is. My heart is kind of in that field, it’s riskier. Not necessarily behind the scenes, but definitely being a bit more responsible for what I’m working on.

How many timepieces do you own?

More than I can say. More than I should…one for every mood. No, I’m kidding. I do have a few.

What to you is the greatest luxury in life?

Time. Having time to be able to appreciate where you are and who you’re with and enjoy the moments that you’re in.


Ecrit par LAurore 
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